Multisig and Timelock Addresses

Transparency principles and key addresses

Transparency Principles

Huma Protocol strives to operate at the highest level of transparency. We commit to abide by the following principles:

  • The ownership of Protocol Contracts, Huma Config, and Pool Contracts to be a timelock.

  • Timelocks to be operated by a majority vote of multisig wallets of minimum of 3 signees.

  • Timelock delay is at least 24 hours.

  • All the key addresses (timelock address, multisig address) for the protocol and all active pools are published on this page.


Key Addresses for Huma Protocol Administration

HumaConfig contract address: 0x9345cc5617F906C62bE1608680B9C0FC3e7707B0

timelock address: 0x14B067bac6039429A11baf564db90eDBcc4E27F3

multisig address: 0xABd48A580F66ad5Ad0Fe983968De686F408c88EE

Last updated